7 Spam Email Examples That Will Make You LOL

Small business owners like you in Harrisburg, Lancaster, and York, PA, know the frustration that comes with spam emails. These unwanted emails clutter inboxes, waste time, and can pose serious security risks. The constant influx of junk email makes it difficult to identify important messages, leaving many feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

We get an enormous amount of spam emails every day. Most of the time, we think spam is annoying or dangerous. But have you ever noticed that it can be funny, too?

Obviously, we don’t want to downplay the threats that spam email can pose. Yet, sometimes, you just have to laugh at the bad wording, regrettable misspellings, and sheer weirdness that appears in our email inboxes every day, thanks to spam.

And that’s what we’re doing today!

Sit back and have a good laugh at these hilarious spam emails we’ve received or just found online while researching spam techniques. We think these examples represent much of the spam universe – many promise free money (of course), some are downright confusing, but some are almost poetic in their creative use of the English language.

And if you’re tired of seeing spam in your inbox, there’s hope! Imagine the relief of not having to sift through countless spam emails and the peace of mind of knowing your email is secure from phishing attacks and other unwanted emails. Microsoft 365 from EZComputer Solutions can make a significant difference. With advanced spam filters and security features, our services ensure your inbox remains clean, and your data is safe.

What Are Some Common Types of Spam Emails?

Spam emails are notorious for their absurdity. From fake antivirus warnings to bogus sweepstakes winners, the creativity behind these scams can be surprisingly amusing. Here are a few examples that might make you chuckle:

  1. The Fake Bank Account Alert: “Your account has been compromised. Please enter your personal information to secure it.”
  2. The Phony Sweepstakes Winner: “Congratulations! You’ve won a million dollars. Just send us your credit card details to claim your prize.”
  3. The Unsolicited Email Offer: “Increase your business revenue by 500% with our revolutionary new product. Click on a link to learn more.”

How Can Spam Email Affect Your Business?

Without proper spam filters, your business is exposed to various risks, including:

  • Data breaches from phishing emails
  • Financial loss from scams asking to send money
  • Compromised security from entering personal information on fake websites

Additionally, spam can also lead to a damaged reputation if a business’s email is flagged as a spam sender. The most direct fallout is productivity. Too many spam emails can clutter your inbox, making it difficult for you to locate important messages. More time is spent cleaning the inbox than responding to genuine emails.

Plus, your system could get infected with malware if a malicious link in a spam email is clicked accidentally. The risk is even more significant when employees who are not adequately trained to identify such threats fall victim to these spam messages.

What Are Some Examples of Funny Spam Emails?

These examples highlight the ridiculousness of many spam emails. However, they also underline the importance of having robust spam filters in place to keep your inbox clean.

1. From: Unsubscribe

junk mail sample

This spam email is definitely one for the “confusing” file. The sender is “Unsubscribe,” and they need us to reply to stop receiving these emails. But who is Unsubscribe, and what emails are they referring to? Also notice the poor punctuation in this email. No professional company would send a poorly written email like that.

2. “Confirm” wants us to unsubscribe, too

junk mail sample

This message is the same game as the first one but a little more sophisticated, apparently. Whoever “Confirm” is, they want us to believe that we sent them a previous message (notice the “Re:” in the subject line) to unsubscribe…from something. And now they need us to click a phishy-looking link to unsubscribe from the mysterious mailing list. Nice try, Confirm.

3. “Reply” wants to be deleted

junk mail sample

We’re not sure what this one is even attempting to get us to do since there aren’t any actual words in the message. Just click the “Empty Junk” button, and you’re done. (After taking a screenshot to laugh at, that is.)

4. The founder of Facebook wants to give us secret money

junk mail sample

Don’t you think he would reach out with the good news via Facebook Messenger instead of email? And it’s a little surprising that he uses Gmail. And again, this email has so many grammatical and style errors that our writers needed a moment to calm down after reading it!

5. The United Nations wants to give us money, too

junk mail sample

Or do they? The faithful Mrs. Ann Walter does not seem to be a native English speaker. It’s a little tricky to wade through the content of this message.

(Quick aside: this is an excellent example of a “Nigerian” email scam if you’re not familiar with it. The name can be misleading about where these spam messages actually originate, but they’re almost always funny.)

6. A poetic offer

junk mail sample

The question in this subject line enticed us. Who isn’t curious about a possible “great deal” expressed in garbled English? Amusingly, the unintentional poem contained in the message almost makes us want to click. (Don’t worry, we resisted.)

What is this machine that’s producing $600 a day? What did Matthew Noble previously do for his employment that he did not hate but resigned anyway? So many unanswered questions in this obvious email spam. Though, it gets style points for its poetic language!

7. The “Your Account is Restricted” Email

This type of spam email can send unsuspecting customers into a panic. But what account is exactly restricted? What is GlobalPay? The attachment could be anything from a web page to a document with a malicious code attached to a full on malware. Don’t fall for this spam email!

What Happens When You Reply to Spam?

If you’ve ever felt compelled to reply to spam messages, you’re not alone. (Clearly, we almost couldn’t resist responding to the “poet” in our example above.) There are plenty of tech experts, self-proclaimed “scam busters,” and reporters who do so in order to help stop criminals or get a good story. But some people do it for a laugh.

Have you heard of comedian James Veitch? His TED talk from 2015 gives a hilarious account of his exchange with a classic Nigerian spammer who wanted to ship him large amounts of gold.

Is There Anything You Can Do to Prevent Email Spam?

While having a good laugh is always welcomed, dealing with spam texts and emails and being teased that you won a sweepstakes can be annoying and frustrating. That’s why we recommend Microsoft 365 to all our clients. Microsoft 365 offers a comprehensive solution to manage and mitigate the impact of spam emails. Here’s what’s included:

Business-Class Email

With Microsoft 365, you get a custom email address and hosting with a 99.9% uptime guarantee. This feature means less downtime and fewer interruptions caused by spam emails.

Microsoft Office Apps

Always up-to-date versions of Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote help you stay productive without worrying about software updates or security vulnerabilities.

Video Calls, Meetings & Chat

Microsoft Teams allows you to call, meet, chat, and share files with your team and customers, all while keeping your communication secure.

Cloud File Storage

1TB of OneDrive cloud storage makes it easy to store and share files securely, ensuring that your data is safe from spam phishing attacks.

Company-Wide Intranet

Microsoft SharePoint provides a secure, centralized file-sharing platform, eliminating the need for a VPN and protecting your data from unsolicited email threats.

Advanced Security Features

spam emailMicrosoft 365 keeps your data safe with advanced security features that protect your email against viruses, phishing, and more.

Not All Spam Is so Obviously Spam

An image of a pointer mouse hovering over the spam folder with 372 emails.

As you can see in our visual examples, junk mail filters caught all of this spam based on clues in the messages.
Email filtering gets “smarter” and more sophisticated all the time, and it can catch many of the classic indicators that help us to spot and avoid phishing emails ourselves. This good news means we can just click the “Empty Junk” button in our email app and never even give most spam texts and emails a second thought today.

But not all spam is so obviously spam. Some emails take the form of hoaxes that seem so real that we feel the need to forward them to others, and before we know it, they’ve taken on a life of their own.

For example, have you ever heard of the “killer bananas” hoax that sprung to life all the way back in 2000? Rumors were started that imported bananas contained flesh-eating bacteria that was spreading rapidly across the nation. The hoax had people so up in arms that various news services, including Knight Ridder and the LA Times, launched investigations.

Today, email scams often make their way onto social media and get shared millions of times, which can result in legitimate media outlets getting tricked into reporting that “fake news” we’ve all grown so fond of.
In fact, if you often utilize Snopes.com to check where something online may have come from and whether it might be true, you’ll quickly learn that many very old and long-dead email hoaxes have been resurrected thanks to social media sharing, especially on Facebook.

Be careful out there!

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As we discussed in a recent blog post, email scams are becoming ever more sophisticated, and we all need to be vigilant to recognize them and not become victims of phishing attacks.

That said, don’t let the scammers prevent you from using email or social media! Have a good laugh at their expense, and send their attempts straight to your spam folder.

And if you ever have any questions or if you accidentally clicked a questionable link, give our expert IT consultants a call. We’re here to protect you and your business with affordable and no-nonsense support.

Lastly, if you want to really give the boot to unwanted emails, you need better protection. Taking the first step towards a spam-free inbox is simple. By scheduling a consultation with EZComputer Solutions, you can explore how Microsoft 365 can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Our team of experts will guide you through the setup process, ensuring that your transition is smooth and hassle-free. Get in touch with us today to get started.
